Find out how eating sweets regularly affects the body

For years, experts have been saying that the main substances to avoid in the diet are saturated and trans fats. However, sugar can also have harmful effects on health. Why? It provides calories without nutritional value, causes weight gain and negatively affects the body’s lipid metabolism.

Sugar affects fat deposition

When you eat sweets, blood glucose levels rise quickly. This causes an immediate spike in insulin levels – the hormone responsible for storing fat. The more sugar you consume, the more insulin your body secretes and the more fat you store. Thus, you become more resistant to insulin, so your body produces even more insulin, which again causes fat storage. This vicious cycle leads to weight gain and metabolic problems.

Sugar consumption is linked to cholesterol levels

When we think of foods that raise blood cholesterol, those rich in saturated and trans fats usually come to mind. And while it’s true that these foods can be harmful, it’s certainly also worth noting the link between sweets and cholesterol.

In an oft-cited study1, researchers proved that a diet rich in sugar causes the liver to synthesize more „bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Such a diet also lowers the level of „good” HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, whose job is to capture LDL and transport it back to the liver. Therefore, HDL concentrations should not be too low.

Excess sugar in the diet also raises triglyceride levels because it inhibits the enzyme that breaks them down. This is a type of fat whose levels rise after eating. The body accumulates calories that it doesn’t use at the moment. Between meals, when energy is needed, triglycerides are released from fat cells and circulate in the blood. Their levels are higher if you supply yourself with more calories than you burn, and if you consume excessive amounts of sugar, fat or alcohol. Like cholesterol, triglycerides do not dissolve in the blood – they travel through the circulatory system and can damage the walls of blood vessels.

The quality of the diet matters

Foods such as pizza, hamburgers and white bread promote weight gain by raising blood sugar levels. Fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grain products help stabilize it. It is worth looking for healthy sources of fat, such as fish, nuts and oil. Your diet should also be rich in legumes, include white rather than red meat and include low-fat dairy. You can also look for natural dietary supplements that promote proper microcirculation and circulatory health. Such a product on the Polish market is Berimal.

Needless to say, sweets are best eaten in moderation and not too often. The World Health Organization recommends that no more than 10% of supplied calories should come from sugar – far less than most Poles consume2. It’s worth learning to recognize sugar on food labels. It often appears under names such as „glucose-fructose syrup” or „molasses.”

There’s nothing wrong with occasionally indulging in sweets, but eating a lot of sugar on a regular basis harms your health, so it’s a good idea to monitor your sugar intake.


Is there a link between homocysteine levels and cholesterol?

Homocysteine, discovered in 1932, has not yet gained the same popularity as cholesterol, which we hear about in every margarine advertisement. Meanwhile, proper blood levels of both are important for heart health.

When we eat meat, fish, eggs or legumes (and, to a lesser extent, other products), we provide ourselves with methionine – an important amino acid that is essential for the body to function properly. Its metabolism also produces another substance – an amino acid called homocysteine. She, too, in the right amount is needed. Normal values tested in fasting blood should be in the range of 5-15 µmol/l. However, even exceeding 10 µmol/l can have negative effects on health1.

Similarity between homocysteine and cholesterol

Is there a similarity between homocysteine and cholesterol? If homocysteine accumulates in excess in the body, it negatively affects blood vessel walls, reduces their elasticity, causes oxidative stress and increases inflammatory processes2. Persistently high levels of cholesterol in the blood can have similar effects. Although the body needs it to digest fats, produce hormones, build cell walls and many other important tasks, too high levels of this substance threaten cardiovascular health.

Homocysteine levels in the blood are influenced by many factors, such as genetics, gender (men tend to have higher levels than women), age (the amount of the amino acid increases with age) and unhealthy lifestyles, including excessive alcohol consumption andsmoking3.

Importance of diet

Diet plays an important role in normalizing blood homocysteine levels. Providing adequate amounts of folic acid and vitamin B12 enables the body to convert homocysteine back into methionine and, with the help of vitamin B6, into cysteine. These processes should occur constantly and be in balance. Folic acid can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grain products, among others. Vitamin B12 is found in meat, poultry and fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel and trout), and good sources of vitamin B6 include offal, liver, nuts and seeds. If we prevent many of these ingredients from being consistently lacking in our diets, we have a better chance of avoiding serious problems caused by abnormal homocysteine levels. A healthy diet also has a positive effect on cholesterol levels in the body.

1D. Gąsiorowska, K. Korzeniowska, A. Jablecka, Homocysteine, „Pharmacja współczesna” 2008, 1.
2 Ibid.
3H. Refsum, A. D. Smith, P. M. Ueland, E. Nexo, R. Clarke, J. Mepartlin, C. Johnston, F. Engbaek, J. Schneede, C. McPartlin, J. M. Scott, Facts and recommendations about total homocysteine determinations: an expert opinion, „Clinical Chemistry” 2004, 50(1).

Discover natural sources of selenium

Selenium is a mineral that performs many important functions in the human body – among other things, it has a role in fighting infections. Here are some of its rich, natural sources.

– Brazil nuts

One of the best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts. They enhance the flavor of many dishes and also make a great snack. Eating even one nut a day can have a beneficial effect on health.

– Fish and seafood

Excellent fish sources of selenium are tuna and salmon. Sardines, oysters, mussels and shrimp are also rich in this element. It is worth reaching for them at least once a week.

– Meat

The selenium content of meat depends on how the animals are fed, although beef, especially liver, usually contains a lot of the element. Chicken and turkey meat are also good sources of selenium.

– Eggs

One egg satisfies more than half of the daily requirement for selenium. And what is the relationship between eggs and cholesterol? Some studies have shown that eating eggs can increase blood cholesterol levels. However, scientists stress that not every body reacts this way. Moreover, eggs contain protein, vitamins A, B and D, and iron. Therefore, it is considered that eating no more than one egg a day should not adversely affect health.

– Dairy

One cup of cottage cheese covers about 1/3 of the daily recommended intake of selenium. Milk and yogurt, on the other hand, are worth mixing with oatmeal to provide yourself with even more of this element.

– Cereal bran

Wheat and oat bran can contain a lot of selenium, although the exact amount varies depending on the region of the country where the grain comes from. This is because the amount of this element in plants depends on how rich in selenium the soil in which they are grown is. The use of pesticides and even such a natural phenomenon as heavy rains can alter the level of the mineral in the soil.

– Selenium-enriched foods

Some foods, including breads, breakfast cereals and plant-based milk, are fortified with vitamins and minerals, including selenium. The amount of this element in food varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Dietary supplements can also play an important preventive role in providing the body with sufficient selenium.

To ensure adequate levels of selenium, the first thing you need to do is balance your diet. This means reaching for whole foods that contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, as well as maintaining a balance between the consumption of animal and plant products. This is one of the keys to optimal nutrition.

5 facts about statins you should know

Cholesterol – a fat-like waxy substance – is essential for the body to function properly and is found in all its cells. However, excess cholesterol can cause deposits to build up in the walls of blood vessels, which over time restricts blood flow. Drugs called statins are designed to help regulate lipid metabolism. Here are some facts about statins.

1. different types of statins are available

Statins are a class of prescription drugs. Different types are available, but they all have a similar mechanism of action: they block the enzyme the body uses to make cholesterol in the liver. It is this organ, along with other cells in the body, that produces most of the cholesterol circulating in the blood. By design, all statins are equally effective, but one drug may work better for a person than another. Therefore, it may be necessary to try several types of statins before finding the most effective solution.

2. statins affect more than just cholesterol

Most statins help effectively lower „bad” LDL cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein. They also have a beneficial effect on the lining of blood vessels, which is important for the functioning of the entire body – among other things, they can help achieve normal blood pressure.

3. dietary supplements may be used during statin therapy

Are statins the only answer to the question of what to beat cholesterol with? Treatment can be supplemented with a dietary supplement, preferably containing only naturally derived ingredients. Such a preparation is Berimal, recommended for maintaining normal cholesterol levels. In the vast majority of cases it is very well tolerated by the body, but its intake during statin therapy should always be consulted with a doctor.

4. statins should be taken in the evening

Since cholesterol is produced mainly at night, drugs are best taken before bedtime. Eating dinner does not affect the therapeutic effect.

5. statins are most often taken for life

Blood cholesterol levels decrease after just a few weeks of statin therapy. However, discontinuing the medication can lead to a return of previous values. Switching to a healthy lifestyle, i.e. eating a balanced diet, ensuring a healthy body weight, increasing physical activity and quitting smoking, can help inhibit this process.

Does elevated cholesterol give symptoms?

A blood test is the only way to monitor whether cholesterol levels are within normal limits. But are there particular symptoms that should prompt us to check the concentration of this substance in the body?

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance produced by the liver and supplied to the body with food. In the right amount, it is necessary for the body to function properly: it is involved in the formation of cell membranes, vitamin D and some hormones. Cholesterol does not dissolve in water, so it cannot move through the body on its own. It is transported through the bloodstream by molecules called lipoproteins, which come in two types. The low-density ones (LDL) are also known as „bad cholesterol,” because their excess can accumulate in the walls of blood vessels and form fatty deposits that impede blood flow. This can lead to serious health consequences. In contrast, high-density lipoproteins (HDL), often referred to as „good cholesterol,” help restore the normal number of LDL particles.

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

High cholesterol usually does not give symptoms. Usually no signs appear until deposits form in the blood vessels. Early symptoms of this condition may include discomfort in the legs and feet, cramping, fatigue and leg pain during activity. As the problem progresses, the symptoms of high cholesterol appear more frequently, including while resting. One of the later, which can occur due to reduced blood flow through the arteries supplying the heart with blood, is chest pain. Disorders of the body’s lipid metabolism can also be evidenced by yellow lumps that form mostly around the eyes. These lesions are fat that accumulates under the top layer of skin.

However, none of these symptoms clearly indicate elevated cholesterol levels. The only way to be sure if such a problem exists is to take a blood test called a lipid panel. Its results show the amount of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL particles and triglycerides. The test is performed on an empty stomach. After 20. age, the lipid panel is worth repeating every 4 to 6 years. However, your doctor may recommend that you check your blood cholesterol levels more frequently – among other things. people with high blood pressure, overweight and smokers.

Since high blood cholesterol has no symptoms in the early stages, it is important to make good lifestyle choices. Avoid fatty foods and alcohol, and choose vegetables, fruits and whole-grain products. If necessary, after consulting your doctor, it is a good idea to help yourself with a dietary supplement such as Berimal. Experts also recommend exercising for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.

Popular drinks and their effect on cholesterol levels

Prawie co drugi dorosły Polak ma podwyższony poziom cholesterolu – tak wynika z badania przeprowadzonego w 2016 roku1. Niektóre z czynników, które mogą wpływać na stężenie lipidów we krwi, to masa ciała, aktywność fizyczna i ogólna jakość diety. Czy i jak spożywanie różnego rodzaju napojów może zmieniać poziom cholesterolu w organizmie?

Cholesterol to woskowata substancja wytwarzana przez organizm, którą dostarczamy mu również z pożywieniem. Jeden z jego rodzajów – lipoproteiny o niskiej gęstości (LDL), zwane złym cholesterolem – odkładają się wewnątrz naczyń krwionośnych i mogą ograniczać przepływ krwi. Lipoproteiny o wysokiej gęstości – HDL („dobry cholesterol”) – pomagają w pozbyciu się z organizmu cząsteczek LDL.

Sweetened drinks can worsen cholesterol results over time

Jedno z nowszych badań wykazało, że częste – zwłaszcza codzienne – sięganie po napoje słodzone z czasem może podnosić ryzyko nieprawidłowego poziomu cholesterolu i triglicerydów we krwi2. Regularne picie słodkich napojów może również prowadzić do nadwagi. Najlepiej zastąpić je niegazowaną wodą, a raz na jakiś czas – świeżo wyciskanym sokiem z owoców, bez dodatku cukru.

Can drinking alcohol affect cholesterol levels?

Wpływ alkoholu na zdrowie zależy od tego, co, jak często i w jakich ilościach pijemy. Czy piwo podnosi cholesterol? Choć nie zawiera tłuszczów, znajdują się w nim węglowodany i alkohol. Napoje wysokoprocentowe, takie jak wódka, również nie zawierają cholesterolu. Jednak drinki i słodkie koktajle mogą wpływać na poziom lipidów we krwi z powodu zawartości cukru. Istnieją dowody na to, że jego wysokie spożycie może zwiększać stężenie triglicerydów i cholesterolu we krwi3. Czerwone wino wydaje się mieć najlepszą reputację ze wszystkich napojów alkoholowych, głównie ze względu na zawartość sterolu roślinnego znanego jako resweratrol. Według niektórych badań może on pomagać zmniejszać stany zapalne i przyczyniać się do podwyższania poziomu „dobrego cholesterolu” we krwi4. Te pozytywne skutki są jednak krótkotrwałe, potrzebne są też dalsze badania, by potwierdzić te efekty.

Ważne jest kontrolowanie poziomu cholesterolu we krwi przynajmniej raz w roku. Wiele osób, których dotyczy problem podwyższonego stężenia tej substancji, nawet nie zdaje sobie z tego sprawy lub nie robi nic, by to zmienić. Na taki stan rzeczy znacząco wpływa spożycie cukru, w tym sięganie po słodzone napoje i alkohol. Jeśli nie jesteś w stanie się bez nich obejść, pij je z umiarem, nie częściej niż raz w tygodniu. Dodatkowo stosuj zdrową dietę: jedz więcej ryb, a mniej czerwonego mięsa, ogranicz węglowodany i używaj olejów roślinnych zamiast tłuszczu zwierzęcego. Zapewnij też sobie regularny ruch i ćwiczenia, a także staraj się utrzymywać prawidłową masę ciała. Przyniesie to korzyści nie tylko dla gospodarki lipidowej organizmu, ale również dla funkcjonowania wszystkich jego układów.


What are EFAs and how do they affect the human body?

EFAs, or essential fatty acids, are a group of fats that the body cannot synthesize on its own, so they must be supplied with food. What is their function?

Division of fats

By structure, we distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are divided not into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Among monounsaturates, the most popular is oleic acid, which belongs to the omega-9 group of acids. It is found in almost all fats, and its rich sources include oil, cod liver oil, lard and canola oil. It participates in the formation and regeneration of cells, and also helps regulate blood cholesterol levels. The body is able to produce it, but only in small amounts, which is why some sources include oleic acid as an EFA.

Of the polyunsaturated acids, two types are considered essential for humans:

  • Linoleic acid (of the omega-6 group) – abbreviated as LA;
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (of the omega-3 group) – ALA for short.

Both belong to the vitamin F group.

Linoleic acid in the body is metabolized into a number of substances essential for normal metabolism. It produces arachidonic acid, which, in combination with eicosapentaenoic acid, forms tissue hormones. Linoleic acid is found in corn, sunflower, soybean and peanut oil, among others. Its deficiency is relatively rare.

Alpha and omega

Alpha-linolenic acid is the most common omega-3 fatty acid in the diet. It is found in many plant foods, including kale, spinach, soybeans, walnuts and many seeds, such as flax and chia. ALA itself can be stored by the body and used as an energy source, just like other fats.

Before it can play a more significant role, it must be converted into other polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 family: EPA and DHA. The former is essential for transmitting information between nerve fibers. DHA acid, on the other hand, is part of the brain’s structure, supports the function of the retina and reduces triglycerides in the blood.

However, the conversion process of alpha-linolenic acid is inefficient in humans. Only a small percentage of ALA is converted into EPA, and even less into DHA, so you need to supply it to the body with your diet. The best is one rich in fatty fish (salmon, cod, mackerel), seafood and algae, as well as nuts and seeds. At the same time, it is a good high cholesterol diet. can also support dietary supplements such as Berimal.

EFAs are an important part of the diet, but reaching for too many fatty foods can cause weight gain. Therefore, choose the right types of fats and consume them in moderation as part of a healthy eating plan.

How does a sedentary lifestyle affect our health?

Frequent sitting for long periods of time, such as at a desk, behind a steering wheel or in front of a screen, affects many aspects of our health. Among other things, it affects posture, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and body fat.

Millions of people in Poland lead sedentary lifestyles. According to a 20201 Nielsen study, Poles watch TV for about four hours a day. We also spend more and more time sitting in front of computer and smartphone screens. There are many reasons why we do this – the biggest temptation seems to be convenience and availability of services. We use computers and mobile devices for almost everything: from online shopping to running errands. Spending hours in traffic also contributes to our lack of physical activity. We sit while driving to the office or school – whether in the car or on the bus. At work, we spend 8 hours at our desks, and communicate with others mainly by email and phone. On the other hand, when we return home after a long workday, energy is already sufficient mainly for sitting in a chair with a remote control in hand.

Effects of long sitting

Sitting for long periods of time can cause many health problems – from postural defects to high blood pressure, elevated lipid and blood sugar levels to being overweight. If we have any doubts about whether a sedentary lifestyle is affecting our health, let’s check whether our BMI is within the correct range, and get our cholesterol and blood glucose levels checked. Even in people who exercise regularly, prolonged immobility can result in a slower metabolism. Energetic activity on the weekend will not completely alleviate the effects of sitting from Monday to Friday. In a word: you can’t exercise to spare.

What can be done?

Due to the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health, physical activity should be part of our daily lives – not just when we consciously exercise. Therefore, let’s look for ways to move whenever we have the opportunity to do so. At work, for example, we can choose the stairs instead of the elevator or stroll while talking on the phone. At home, let’s try watching TV from a treadmill or stationary bike. Even moderately intense exercise has all-around health effects – among other things, it can help lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Supportively, to maintain its proper level, the dietary supplement Berimal is also recommended. Regular exercise helps burn calories, gives energy, helps maintain proper muscle tone, improves mood and productivity. The most important thing is to take the first step toward activity. Even if it seems small, you will certainly feel its positive effects over time.


Does stress affect cholesterol levels?

Is there a link between stress and blood cholesterol levels? What might it be due to?

Cholesterol is a lipid, a fatty substance produced by the body in the liver and also found in some foods. Its too high levels in the blood negatively affect health. It is heavily influenced by lifestyle.

Bad habits, hormones and stress

One of the risk factors for high cholesterol is being overweight, which is what we are dealing with when the body mass index value BMI is 25 and above. A Does stress raise cholesterol? of this substance in the blood. Functioning under constant stress is associated with less healthy eating habits, and thus can result in weight gain, the aforementioned risk factor. In addition, the body releases cortisol in response to stress, produced precisely from cholesterol. The need to produce this hormone – resulting from constant tension – may be the mechanism that causes cholesterol levels to rise. Adrenaline is also released in response to stressful situations. In response, the concentration of triglycerides in the blood increases, which affects the body’s entire lipid metabolism.

Dealing with tension

– Reduce stressful situations

Since there is an indirect link between prolonged tension and blood cholesterol levels, it is worth learning how to deal with stress. You won’t eliminate it completely from your life, but think about which responsibilities during the day annoy you the most, and try to reduce their number. Also, therapy with a psychologist can provide new techniques to combat tension.

– Physical activity

Regular exercise has a positive effect on both nerves and cholesterol levels. Start with simple goals, such as walking for half an hour a day, and increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and choose the forms of exercise you like best – so that the need to be active doesn’t become a new source of stress.

– Healthy diet

A healthy diet can also have a significant impact on your mood and blood cholesterol levels. Reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats in your meals. Choose fish and skinless lean poultry instead of red meats and processed foods. Replace full-fat dairy products with fat-free versions. Avoid simple carbohydrates, i.e. foods made with white flour and sugar. Eat plenty of fresh and whole-grain products. You can also try dietary supplements to help maintain normal cholesterol levels, such as Berimal. Remember to provide your body with no less than 1,500 calories a day. An overly restrictive diet can not only be stressful, but also dangerous to your health.

There is an indirect link between a state of constant tension and high cholesterol levels In the blood. , exercise, stick to a healthy diet and support yourself with supplements if necessary. If you feel that stress is negatively affecting your overall mental and physical health, seek help from a psychologist or other specialist.

Trans fats – what are they and why should they be avoided?

While no health benefits of consuming trans fats are known, it is known that they are extremely harmful – among other things, they negatively affect blood cholesterol levels. That’s why, under pressure from the World Health Organization, major manufacturers of sweetened carbonated beverages, dairy products, sweets and fast food have pledged to reduce the trans fat content in their products to 2% by 2023. What exactly are these compounds and why are they so unhealthy?

What are trans fats?

Most trans fats are produced by the industrial process of partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils, which causes them to become solid at room temperature. This form is less prone to spoilage, so foods containing it have a longer shelf life. Some restaurants also use partially hydrogenated oils for the reason that they do not need to be replaced as often as other fats.

What products are they found in?

Trans fats are found in many foods. They include, among others:

  • margarine;
  • Sweets, ready-made baked goods, cakes, cookies;
  • Deep-fat foods, including chips, fries and other fast foods.

Also, some meat and dairy products contain a certain amount of naturally occurring trans fats.

Why do they cause harm?

Trans fats negatively affect the concentration of cholesterol in the body. Its total level consists of:

  • low-density LDL particles, or „bad” cholesterol, which can accumulate in the walls of blood vessels, causing them to narrow and reduce their elasticity;
  • high-density HDL particles, or „good” cholesterol, which transports excess cholesterol to the liver, where it is processed, stored or excreted from the body.

Trans fats increase the level of LDL particles and lower the concentration of HDL, so they can cause high blood cholesterol. For this reason, among others, experts recommend keeping the consumption of hydrogenated oils as low as possible.

How to avoid them and what to replace them with?

Read labels and don’t buy foods that have partially hydrogenated vegetable oil on the ingredient list. Remember that in a healthy diet, only about 20-30% of total calories should come from fats. Try to make it monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in oil, canola, sunflower or flaxseed oil, and nuts. Fish rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids is also a good choice. If you are just changing your eating habits and are struggling with the problem of high cholesterol, you can help your body by reaching for a dietary supplement, such as Berimal. This is a preparation available in pharmacies, which contains the natural active ingredient ActiBPF, a standardized composition of polyphenols from the bergamot orange fruit. It has an antioxidant effect, supports metabolism and blood vessel function, as well as maintaining normal cholesterol and blood glucose levels.