A proper diet can help keep the thyroid gland functioning properly. Several nutrients are particularly important for the health of this organ. What matters is not only what you eat, but also – how you eat it.
The primary element needed for thyroid hormone production is iodine. Its deficiency remains an important public health problem in many European countries. In Poland, producers of table salt have been required to iodize it for almost a quarter of a century. However, the World Health Organization recommends limiting the consumption of this spice – for cardiovascular health reasons. Therefore, it is better to use it in moderation, and include iodine-rich foods in the diet: fish such as cod, pollock or halibut, and algae.
Selenium and other antioxidants
Enzymes involved in thyroid hormone conversion are dependent on, among other things. on selenium. Adding selenium-rich foods to your diet is not difficult – just reach for Brazil nuts, seafood and sardines more often. Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant, which means it can protect the thyroid gland from damage by molecules called free radicals. This organ is highly susceptible to oxidative stress, so taking care of the thyroid should also include providing vitamin C – which is an antioxidant – through Berimal Forte, for example.
Like selenium – zinc is involved in activating thyroid hormones. Its deficiencies are rare in developed countries because it is found in abundance in food, but it is nevertheless a good idea to reach for especially zinc-rich oysters and other shellfish from time to time.
What else is worth eating?
It is always a good idea to include vegetables in your daily menu. Especially valuable are those from the cruciferous family, such as kale, broccoli, cauliflower and turnips. Also, fresh fruits are a healthy part of the diet, especially berries, which are low in calories and full of the aforementioned antioxidants. And don’t forget healthy sources of protein, namely lean meat and dairy, including milk, cheese, yogurt and eggs. It is always better to eat low-processed foods. Go for brown rice, buckwheat groats, quinoa, seeds and nuts. All of these have an impact on thyroid health. You should also drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy body weight. How to do it. Pay attention not only to what you eat, but also – how and when you eat it. This will help you develop better eating habits. Remember that starving yourself is never a good idea, because too restrictive a diet slows down your metabolism.
Eating the right foods can help keep the thyroid gland working properly. Iodine, selenium, zinc and antioxidants are especially important for it. Following a thyroid-friendly diet will also help maintain a healthy body weight.