What fruits and vegetables do you eat to stay healthy?

It’s no secret that a well-balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, helps maintain health. It is important to eat the right kinds of them at the right times of the day. Learn how to compose healthy breakfasts, snacks and other meals from vegetable products.

Start your day right

The first meal of the day is very important. According to publications in the Harvard Health Letter, eating breakfast regularly is associated with a lower risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease1. Skipping this meal can instead increase feelings of daytime sleepiness. A healthy breakfast gradually and over a long period of time raises blood sugar levels, which the body needs as fuel for muscles and the brain. The source of natural sugars is fruit. Blood glucose levels rise least sharply after eating grapefruit, gooseberries, black currants, cherries, raspberries and avocados. The latter also contains a lot of unsaturated fats that are essential for health.

Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of natural vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other compounds that the body needs to function properly. Try to add them to every meal, but eat fruits before noon, when digestive enzymes are most active. To make such a breakfast wholesome, supplement it with products with fiber and protein. Many people rely on simple carbohydrates, but a kaiser or yeast bread will not provide satiety for long. Meanwhile, breakfasts rich in fiber and protein prevent hunger attacks and provide energy for a longer period of time. Therefore, instead of sweetened breakfast cereals, compose your own muesli from oatmeal, rye bran and chopped nuts. Brazil nuts, macadamias, pecans and cashews are considered the healthiest for the heart. Add skimmed milk or natural yogurt to such a breakfast. If you like pancakes or pancakes, substitute whole wheat flour or buckwheat flour and eat them with grated apple. If you prefer toast, make yourself some Hawaiian toast with dark bread, egg and pineapple.

Choose healthy snacks

Raw or dried fruits and vegetables are great for snacking. For example, bananas and beets aid digestion, while berries, grapes and oranges give a quick energy boost. Citrus fruits are also rich in vitamin C, which supports immunity. It’s also a very powerful antioxidant. It is virtually impossible to overdose on vitamin C, as the body removes the excess on its own. You can find vitamin C in the product Berimal Forte, which also contains polyphenols from bergamot.

Bet on legumes

Carbohydrates are infamous, but they are a major source of energy for the body. It’s important to consume the right kind of them. Instead of simple carbohydrates found in sweets and processed foods, reach for complex ones found in abundance in legumes – white beans, peas, chickpeas, among others. In legumes – white beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils. They are also a good source of protein needed to build muscle, so use them to compose evening meals.

Remember that balance is the key to success. When you enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits, you are likely to discover which ones have the most positive effect on you. It’s important to listen to your body’s signals and incorporate both what’s healthy and what’s tasty into your menu.

1 Harvard Health Letter, Breaking the fast, June, 2011: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/breaking-the-fast