How does a sedentary lifestyle affect our health?

Frequent sitting for long periods of time, such as at a desk, behind a steering wheel or in front of a screen, affects many aspects of our health. Among other things, it affects posture, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and body fat.

Millions of people in Poland lead sedentary lifestyles. According to a 20201 Nielsen study, Poles watch TV for about four hours a day. We also spend more and more time sitting in front of computer and smartphone screens. There are many reasons why we do this – the biggest temptation seems to be convenience and availability of services. We use computers and mobile devices for almost everything: from online shopping to running errands. Spending hours in traffic also contributes to our lack of physical activity. We sit while driving to the office or school – whether in the car or on the bus. At work, we spend 8 hours at our desks, and communicate with others mainly by email and phone. On the other hand, when we return home after a long workday, energy is already sufficient mainly for sitting in a chair with a remote control in hand.

Effects of long sitting

Sitting for long periods of time can cause many health problems – from postural defects to high blood pressure, elevated lipid and blood sugar levels to being overweight. If we have any doubts about whether a sedentary lifestyle is affecting our health, let’s check whether our BMI is within the correct range, and get our cholesterol and blood glucose levels checked. Even in people who exercise regularly, prolonged immobility can result in a slower metabolism. Energetic activity on the weekend will not completely alleviate the effects of sitting from Monday to Friday. In a word: you can’t exercise to spare.

What can be done?

Due to the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health, physical activity should be part of our daily lives – not just when we consciously exercise. Therefore, let’s look for ways to move whenever we have the opportunity to do so. At work, for example, we can choose the stairs instead of the elevator or stroll while talking on the phone. At home, let’s try watching TV from a treadmill or stationary bike. Even moderately intense exercise has all-around health effects – among other things, it can help lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Supportively, to maintain its proper level, the dietary supplement Berimal is also recommended. Regular exercise helps burn calories, gives energy, helps maintain proper muscle tone, improves mood and productivity. The most important thing is to take the first step toward activity. Even if it seems small, you will certainly feel its positive effects over time.